
marengo-napoleonOwned by Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte, Marengo, is probably one of the most famous horses to have ever served in battle. Named in honor of the Battle of Marengo between France and Austria, the horse was noted for his ability in battle and for carrying Bonaparte to safety away from the conflict. The horse was wounded 8 times in his career and also carried Napoleon at the Battle of Austerlitz, Battle of Jena-Auerstedt and the battle of Wagram. Marengo was often used in the 80 mile gallops from the Spanish cities of Valladolid to Burgos, frequently finishing the trek in 5 hours. Marengo was with Napoleon at the Battle of Waterloo and was captured by the British. The horse remained in England until his death in 1831 and his skeleton is on display at the National Army Museum in Chelsea (London).