Knee Osteoarthritis
A common ailment worth mentioning, if not only for its’ increased risk in women, is Knee Osteoarthritis. A recent study resulted that women “who had worked for 11-30 years in farming tended to have an increased risk” in the development of knee osteoarthritis, compared to men. Why the increased risk in women? According to statistics, it is because women tend to have an increase in weight gain during their later years due to an underlying factor in menopause. Added weight means added pressure on joints, causing cartilage between the joints to erode. Like any osteoarthritis, the knees can be a crucial target in farming occupations. As most of us have been told to lift with our knees instead of our back, many still do not use proper techniques and put extra force and stress on the knees causing inflammation that is painful and possibly debilitating. Awareness should always be given to the signs and symptoms of this condition. As with any osteoarthritis, proper preventive measures are always the first step to take. There are many up and coming treatments that are creating surprising results for alleviation. Researchers have discovered that consuming 200 mg of Omega 3 Fatty Acids and 1,500 mg of Glucosamine Sulfate is very efficient at relieving pain, inflammation, and morning stiffness in patients with moderate to severe hip or knee Osteoarthritis. Many people are also finding relief from their Osteoarthritis with specific types of topical lotions. This is a positive aspect on the subject of arthritis in general, when considering the alternative of horrors found in the pharmaceutical realm.