Badwater 135 (California)

badwater-marathon-California Dubbed “the World’s Toughest Foot Race,” Badwater 135 is as “ultra” as marathons come. Being 135 miles through Death Valley in the middle of July, it’s not the for the faint of heart. This is also a non-stop race, which means that preparing your body for this kind of competition takes years. Runners must be completely self-sufficient and have their own “crew” to help with aid, as there are no water stations on the course. This race is for the highly experienced ultra-marathoners, as runners climb to 13,000ft through a course nestled in the hottest part of the country, during the hottest part of the year (with temperatures often reaching 120 degrees or more). Badwater 135 is an invitation only event, and runners have just 48 hours to complete the race (that’s roughly 60 miles a day).