Walking Shoes
Lightweight shoes that provide a lot of support for the foot and ankle are perfect for walking. The heel should have adequate shock absorption to reduce heel pain like plantar fasciitis. The shoes should be slightly rounded and provide enough comfortable space for the toes and sides of the foot. The front of the shoe should also be durable and firm, since we typically “roll” off of our toes while walking, versus placing impact and pushing off, like we do when we run. Your walking shoes should be breathable and provide cushion in the important places, such as the heel, the ball of the foot, and the toes. Proper blood circulation is important while walking, and you don’t want to wear a walking shoe that is too tight or improperly cushioned. This may inhibit the blood flow in the legs and feet, putting you at risk of injury and other conditions. Walking shoes should be somewhat snug, but not tight. They should be durable, but comfy as well. Those who walk for long distances or long periods of time may experience poor blood circulation in their feet, and this is most likely due to walking shoes that are too tight, especially around the ankle. If proper circulation isn’t occurring in the foot during walking, inflammation can occur and lead to swelling, soreness, and pain. When purchasing walking shoes, it is important to remember these 2 “C’s”: cushion and circulation.