6. Lateral Squat

lateral-squat-exerciseThe purpose of the lateral squat is to stretch the inside of your thigh, groin, glutes, and hamstrings, as well as to strengthen your quads. This is also a great exercise to strengthen the lower core.

For this, you will need enough room to stand with an outstretched leg.

How to do the exercise:

  1. Stand straight. Your feet should stand slightly wider than your shoulders.
  2. Move your hips to the right bending your right knee. Your left should be fairly straight and your right leg bent at the knee. Make sure that both feet are flat on the ground.
  3. Shift your hips to the left and repeat.
  4. Repeat 6 times in each direction.

Benefits for golf

This exercise helps to strengthen your legs and keep them flexible. This will help you achieve a much more powerful swing.