Proper Form/Posture

proper-posture-runningWhile concentrating on your breathing pattern, it is important to not forget about your posture and arm positioning. Your arm swings directly affect your breathing. Correct posture will increase your air intake because it allows your diaphragm to expand better. Make sure that you fill the lungs right; do not breathe in short breaths from your chest. Keep your back straight and try not to hunch, as this will cause your arms to be uncomfortable and your diaphragm to be closed. With a straight back, keep your arm swing moderate and comfortable. You can use the arm swing to help you establish a running rhythm and keep a regular pace. Beginning runners often visualize that they are holding two pencils in their hands at an equal height while running, or they visualize carrying two eggs in their hands at the same height. This simple trick helps to teach beginning runners how to maintain correct posture and also improves equilibrium while running.