The Perfect Cardio

High-Intensity Interval Training is the perfect cardioFor a lot of runners, getting to that point where you are out of breath and your heart is beating fast is not such an easy task. Many are not capable of pushing themselves to this point, and therefore never reap the benefits of a good cardio workout. This anaerobic zone is where you need to be in order to get the fat-burning, muscle building benefits of cardio, and High-Intensity Interval Training will help take you there. With HIIT, many runners find it easier to reach the anaerobic zone when they know that they can pick up their normal pace again right afterwards. It’s like a little reward each time you finish your high-intensity training and it helps reinforce the activity. This rest also allows the heart to take a break as it gradually transitions back into a normal pace. This is much easier on your heart than suddenly stopping the exercise and allows blood to circulate properly throughout your body.


Photo credit to tuelek from