Honolulu Marathon - Hawaii

Honolulu Marathon - HawaiiWinter can be a difficult time for some runners. Between dealing with ice, snow, cold temperatures, and shorter days, December can make you feel claustrophobic. Instead of hunkering down and jumping on that treadmill why not use it as a perfect excuse to sign up for the Honolulu Marathon? Held in December every year on the island of Oahu, this race is often referred to as “the people’s marathon” because they do not limit entries or times so anyone is welcome to give it a try. In it’s 42nd year in 2014, Honolulu was the fourth largest marathon in the U.S. attracting over 30,000 participants. If you decide to take on this challenge, you’ll get to run alongside miles of coastline surrounded by palm trees and ocean breeze. The 60 to 80 degree temperatures will be a great reprieve from the cold places stateside. Those who have run in the past say the water stations, which also provide cold sponges, are placed at the best places along the course and the staff is always friendly and helpful. This is one of those races you may just have to experience for yourself. 
