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7 Tips for Running in Hot Weather

Tips-for-running-in-the-heatEven if you are a beginning runner or an experienced ultra-marathoner, you are probably aware of the risks that come with running in hot weather. However, many runners torture their bodies during the blazing days of summer because they do not know about the increased dangers or how to prepare for them. Safety is one of the biggest keys for runners’ success, and preparing for all types of weather is one way to be safe. Here we look at the top things you want to remember for running in the hot, summer climate.



9 Jobs That Lead To Hand Pain: What Can You Do To Prevent It?

9-jobs-that-lead-to-hand-pain-how-to-prevent-itNo matter what your occupation may be, it is almost certain that your work relies on your hands, fingers, and wrists. Whether it is an office setting or an occupation that requires heavy physical exertion, the demands that your job put on your hands can lead to injury. With most jobs, you perform tasks that are the same or require similar repetitive movements multiple times per day, for many years. This repetitive motion puts a strain on the hands and, over the years, this wear builds up.

Once the hands start to suffer from these injuries, it can make a person’s work life complicated; making the tasks that they rely on for their income extremely difficult. In addition to that, the pain can become so severe that it will affect the individual’s life when they are away from work.

While pain in the hands and wrists may be common in many occupations, there are things that can be done to prevent the conditions that result in this pain. There are also ways to address the issue to lessen the pain and restore the proper dexterity of the hand. Read on to learn more about jobs that commonly lead to hand pain and what can be done to prevent it.

Top 10 Ergonomically Designed Gadgets to Relieve Hand Pain

Top-10-Ergonomically-Designed-Gadgets-Relieve-Hand-PainElectronics have become a huge part of our everyday life. Our wrists and hands often take the brunt of device time, whether it is from time spent at a computer or tablet, or time spent on the phone or playing video games. Repetitive Strain Injury and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome are both commonplace injuries for many people who spend extended periods of time on their electronic devices.  

Thankfully, as our world becomes more technologically advanced, there have been many developments in the world of ergonomic devices that make spending time on our computers and gaming systems less likely to cause as much pain as they used to. In this article, we are going to cover some great options for keyboards, mice, and gaming controllers, as well as some other innovative products that are geared towards preventing strain and fatigue for your arms, wrists, and hands.  


10 Ways to Ease Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Pain

Tips to ease Carpal Tunnel PainCarpal tunnel syndrome pain is a common condition that affects more than 3.5 million people in the United States every year. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) causes pain in the wrist and in the palm area of the hand. It can affect just one hand or both. Symptoms include pain, numbness, tingling, burning, and weakness in the hand and fingers. Many times, these sensations can affect the forearm and shoulder as well.

5 Historical Facts About the American Cowboy

5-Historical-Facts-About-American-CowboyThe expansion of the western frontier in the 1800s would never have happened without the diligence and effort of certain brave men. America owes a great deal to the hard work performed by the American Cowboy. They drove thousands of miles over plains, mountains, and shores to deliver livestock. At the time, livestock was a prominent source of trade, development, and prosperity for those trying to cultivate the land and build the country that stands today. But, what was life like on these long cattle drives? It’s not easy to imagine exactly what the times were like, even considering the large amount of historical records that we have, but what we do know tells a great story of the American Cowboy and their travels across the open range. When you consider how dangerous and seemingly impossible it was to drive thousands of head for many miles a day, you learn to appreciate exactly what these men achieved. We looked at some of the most interesting facts about the cowboy’s way of life and found a little insight as to who these great men were, as well as how they built a country by doing a job that most may have been reluctant to perform. Let’s take a look at some lesser-known facts about these corralling, roping, cattle-driving symbols of American history.

How to Take Good Care of Your Hands

how-to-take-good-care-of-your-handsOur hands play an incredibly important role in our day-to-day lives. It isn’t any wonder that they need to be taken care of and respected. Unlike the paws of animals, our hands have fingers and a thumb that work together to accomplish many different tasks. There are many different things we use our hands to do. Some of those things include:

  • Showing others that we care about them through hugging, stroking, and patting, etc.;
  • Defending ourselves;
  • Playing musical instruments;
  • Communicating through sign language;
  • Writing out our thoughts;
  • Creating arts and crafts;
  • Administering first aid;
  • And the list goes on and on.

With all of the things that our hands are capable of, it is vital that we take good care of our hands; this means more than just washing and moisturizing our hands, although those things are also important. Throughout this article, we look at some of the ways to take care of our hands and why it is important to do so.


Natural Ingredients to Relieve Hand Pain

Natural-ingredients-that-relieve-hand-painIf you suffer from hand pain, you know how much it can interfere with your daily activities. Hand pain can affect even the simplest activities like opening a jar or tying shoelaces. Unfortunately, living with chronic pain can be very debilitating and frustrating. There are, however, many natural ingredients to help relieve hand pain.

The reason that many people are now looking to natural ingredients for hand pain relief hand is because of the side effects of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). In 2013, The Lancet published studies showing that long-term use of NSAIDs can increase the risk of heart disease, stroke, and gastrointestinal problems.[1]

There are many natural ingredients and supplements that have powerful anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, which can be very effective in relieving hand pain. These natural ingredients can help you manage and treat pain without the side effects of pain-relief medications.

What are the best natural ingredients to relieve hand pain?


Common Types of Hand Pain

Common Types of Hand PainAs important as our hands are to everyday life, all too often the average person overuses their hands and forgets to care for this piece of anatomy. By neglecting to care for our hands, this can lead to pain, injury, and a general lack of mobility and ability. When the hands are injured, in pain, or suffering from a lack of mobility, it can seriously encumber the life of the individual.

Even with good care, a person’s hands can suffer from pain and injury. If it is subject to some form of trauma, it can be the source of great pain and injury. There are also different health conditions that can lead to hand pain and injury. In addition to that, the amount of use that we put our hands through on a daily basis can lead to injuries of the repetitive stress variety.

With the complex structures of the hand and the amount of work that we put them to, issues with hand pain and injury are not uncommon. The human hand has 27 individual bones and many muscles, tendons, joints, nerves, and connective tissue that are susceptible to injury. In the following pages, we will look at some of the more common issues related to hand pain and injury.


Top 10 Assistive Devices to Ease Hand Pain

Top-10-Tools-to-Ease-Arthritis-Hand-PainFor those who suffer from chronic pain in their hands, everyday tasks can seem overwhelming. Simple activities such as getting dressed, preparing meals, or carrying/lifting items can be excruciating for those who are experiencing stiffness, achiness, inflammation, swelling, and pain in the wrists, hands, or fingers. Thankfully, there are certain devices and assistive gadgets that can assist sufferers of hand pain with their everyday tasks; tasks that might be more difficult and time consuming without the use of these devices. For most of those with arthritis or other painful issues in the hands, turning tiny knobs, reaching certain objects, or carrying items are some of the biggest challenges to face. However, there are numerous devices on the market that are designed to make these tasks easier, it may be worth the investment to see if any of these can work for you.

We have searched and found 10 of the most user-friendly and helpful devices for you. The gadgets that made our list are making a world of difference for those suffering with arthritis or other painful conditions in the hands or fingers.


Getting to Know Our Hands

Facts About HandsThe human hand is one of the most amazing examples of the natural form. Our hands are complex structures that can move in a multitude of different ways to perform a vast array of different functions. In so many ways, we humans rely on our hands to experience and interact with the world around us.

Even with the amazing form and function of our hands, few people take the time to think about these extremities and give full appreciation to the many ways in which they make our lives better. We use our hands for work, to greet friends, to engage in sports and hobbies, to communicate, to show affection and care, and so many other ways.

With our hands performing such a vital role in the everyday lives of humans, it is important for us to take care of our hands and to keep them in good shape. When the hands are injured or start to lose ability as the result of overuse, it can result in problems that will seriously inhibit the life of an individual.

Read on to learn more about your hands and things that you can do to keep them healthy and functionally sound.


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