Honolulu Marathon

Honolulu-marathonThis partly coastal marathon ventures through downtown Honolulu, Waikiki, and finishes at Waikiki Kapiolani Park. What’s really amazing about the Honolulu Marathon is that the race has no cut off time and it ends when the last person reaches the finish line. Gladys Burrill was (for a long time until recently) the oldest woman to complete a marathon and she did it at the age of 92 at the Honolulu Marathon; finishing in under 10 hours. The Honolulu Marathon is one of the largest in the country, with over 30,000 participants. Start time is 5 am, but after you are finished with your run, you can spend the rest of your time lounging on the beach or enjoying the Honolulu nightlife. Your vacation will be that much sweeter after you finish the marathon, so treat yourself!