Big Five Marathon, Limpopo, South Africa

Big-5-marathon-africa This marathon may not be for beginners; it’s a rough course through the hills of Entabeni Game Reserve in South Africa, but it is a must for lovers of exotic animals and scenery. Zebras, antelopes, giraffes and other wildlife surround the course, and if you’re brave enough, there is a part of the course that will lead you into “lion territory.” The race gets its name from the famous animals of Africa referred to as The Big Five Game: lion, leopard, elephant, rhino and buffalo, which are known to roam the area. Have no worries though; the route is constantly watched by helicopters and armed rangers to handle any safety issues. Although the race takes place in the winter, the sun can be pretty brutal on the open Savannah, so make sure you're prepared for this marathon/safari adventure!