
Age leads to osteoarthritisSeveral factors about age make it the most prominent risk factor for the development and progression of OA (3). The most common factor involves the general wear and tear that occurs to the cartilage over many years. Without taking proper care of our joints, the normal person will have a lot of damage occur to their cartilage by the time they are in their late sixties. As our bodies get older, they change on a molecular level. Over time, cellular regeneration slows, our ability to rebuild cartilage weakens, and the collagen in our bodies becomes stiffer, all of which impairs joint functionality. Another factor to consider about age is that a change occurs in the way a person walks. An older person tends to walk at slower speeds, possibly due to fear of tripping and falling, which leads to disproportionate weight distribution on the joints (3). In one particular study, patients with OA were found to produce lower knee extension forces than the age-matched controls without OA. As we get older, we also have a tendency to put on excess weight. There may be an endless amount of reasons that contribute to this increase in weight over the years such as: stress, decreased physical activity, and an unhealthy diet. Excess weight is a problem for joints because it creates extra pressure on the joints and over the years can cause a significant amount of damage to the cartilage, especially in the knees. To prevent OA from developing later in our lives, many medical professionals are considering the results of proactive care for the body and joints while we are young.