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NEW RTPR Website!

The champ has you covered both day and night. Choose between George Foreman’s KNOCKOUT Formula™ and George Foreman’s NIGHT-TIME Relief Cream™ to deliver a knockout to your pain...Click Here

<span class='notranslate'><span class='notranslate'>Real Time Pain Relief</span></span> formulas deliver on-site pain relief. Choose from our fast-acting lotions and creams to find formulas that are effective on some or a few of the following: muscle strains, soreness, bruising, sprains, simple backache, and swelling due to overexertion or injury. For PAIN RELIEF YOU CAN TRUST, choose <span class='notranslate'><span class='notranslate'>Real Time Pain Relief</span></span>. Real Time Wins 3 Awards - to Your Health! The Clean Label Project™ has awarded <span class='notranslate'><span class='notranslate'>Real Time Pain Relief</span></span>’s Hemp Oil formulas 3 awards that will score big for your happiness and health!...Click Here

Current Special Offers...Click Here

Support your happy, healthy lifestyle with NUJUVENA from the makers of <span class='notranslate'><span class='notranslate'>Real Time Pain Relief</span></span>. Each daily care product is rich in nature's ingredients, free of unwanted fillers like parabens, SLS, and dye, and designed to make taking care of yourself easier... Explore below to discover how Nujuvena can help you live your best life!...Click Here

New Complete Spray Packages...Click Here

Check out our Online Catalog...Click Here

Real Time Wins 3 Awards - to Your Health! The Clean Label Project™ has awarded <span class='notranslate'><span class='notranslate'>Real Time Pain Relief</span></span>’s Hemp Oil formulas 3 awards that will score big for your happiness and health!...Click Here

Convenience Packages...Click Here



What they say about Real Time Pain Relief

I just received the one single pack in the mail, used it on my back, my mother applied it on me and my back felt better and I was able to cook a whole dinner without having to sit down a million times and then my mom told me she was able to close her
No votes yet

Kelly H - Houma, Louisiana

As a Master massage therapist I've used several pain relief products over 40 years of work. RTPR did not just give me [quick] relief ...I've regained about 80% of the use of my thumb, which is invaluable in my work.
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Elizabeth C. - Phoenix, Arizona

After months of constant pain...Over a year of trying all kinds of internal medicine that was causing all kinds of side effects and not helping with the pain at all..
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Kiley - Washington, North Carolina

...A nurse told me about Real Time Pain Relief and gave me a few packets. It helped me...get through the very bad pain, no muscle tone or control. I can now go out drive, walk and dance.
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Stephanie S. - Raleigh, North Carolina

I love this cream it really works my knees felt so good, I couldn't believe it!
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Ronda - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

...The cream not only works...As that ole music group the monkey's use to say.." I'm a believer"!! A thousand thanks to RTPR.
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Michael W. - Surprise, Arizona

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