Has the Ability to Prevent or Relieve Acne

willow-bark-acne-prevent-stopWillow bark can be found in cosmetics and personal hygiene products because of its anti-inflammatory and relaxing assets. Willow Bark also contains salicylic acid. This is a BHA (Butylated hydroxyanisole) that is a natural exfoliant and is used in several acne treatments. It reduces the shed of dead cells from the skin and also clears pores. It also contains phenolic acids such as salicortin, tannins, flavonoids and minerals, which help with the skin’s rejuvenation process.  A study published in the journal Clinical Therapeutics found that mild or moderate acne can be treated with nonprescription agents such as salicylic acid. This agent can reduce the number of primary lesions and therefore, the severity of acne-related lesions. Salicylic acid has been shown to be more superior to benzoyl peroxide in reducing acne.