Tendon Injuries

Tendon Injuries are a common injury that farmers faceFarmers are at risk for tendon injuries because many farming tasks require monotonous motions. If you are building a fence, working the gears on a tractor, etcetera, you are overworking your tendons by performing repeated motion all day long. Tendon injuries usually arise with “repeated flexion or extension” which leads to “inflammation of the tendon.” Tendons are strong fibrous cords that attach the muscles to the bones. Most of the time the injury occurs near the affected joint. It is possible for the injury to happen all of a sudden, usually due to a weakened tendon. However, in the majority of cases, it is actually a result of a number of tiny tears that occurred over time. Doctors have categorized tendon injuries in the following way:

  • Tendinitis: Inflammation in the tendon
  • Tendinosis: Due to overuse, tiny tears occur in the tissue and around the tendon
  • Tendinopathy: Refers to inflammation and microtears that cause pain, stiffness, and a decrease in strength

These injuries can also be treated primarily at home with rest and cold remedies, as well as some beneficial topical products. One thing you must remember; when the pain stops, do not return to the same work that aggravated the tendon right away. Tendons take much longer to completely heal. If a tendon injury has occurred, you may need to rethink what tasks you allow yourself to do and the way in which you do them. For instance, you may need to hire someone to build a fence for you or invest in some equipment that would allow you to reduce the wear and tear on your body. When you feel able to, try to incorporate some range-of-motion exercises into your daily routine because it will strengthen the muscles around the joints and keep them from becoming stiff.

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