Wild Bill Hickok

wild-bill-hickokWild Bill Hickok likely gained credibility after his time with the Pony Express. He is known for his talent for shooting a six-shooter as well as his famous feat of capturing the outlaw David McCanles with a shot from 75 feet away. Known for being an actor, gambler, and lawman, Hickok became the Sheriff of Ellis County Kansas in 1869 and was credited for killing two men in his first month on the job. Hickok was also known for being one of the only gunfighters to draw and kill a man using the true, Western Style of Quick-Draw Duel, as he did in the shootout with Davis Tutt Jr. over issues concerning gambling debts. Hickok’s death in 1876 was just as infamous as his life. In Deadwood, SD, he was in the middle of a poker game, when Hickok was shot by Jack McCall (the shooting has been credited to occur due to an insult made by Hickok). The cards that Wild Bill Hickok was holding was a pair of Aces and 8s, which is now known to be called the “Dead Man’s Hand.”