Laramie, WY

laramie wyThe railroad is solely responsible for the existence of Laramie, Wyoming. Plans began in 1864 to place Union Pacific railroad tracks across the western plains of the small town. Crossing the mountains from Cheyenne, the tracks reached Laramie in 1868, after only 4 years. Passenger service soon followed and Laramie was known (as most towns were during the time) as a town at the end of the track. This is where many tent houses and other shelters were constructed for workers, which eventually led to commercial offices and residential homes. Although Laramie began as a railroad town, the sheep and cattle ranching that surrounded the town proved very prosperous. Although the town was still very involved in railroad industrialization. They had plenty of rolling mills to make railroad rails, a railroad tie treatment plant, and various other services for the railroad industry. As population grew, a slaughter house, a plaster mill, a glass blowing plant, and a brewery were established in the town. With all of their commercial and industrial success, Laramie became one of the first small towns in the West to have their own electrical plant.