Aerobics and Stretching

Aerobics can ease fibromyalgia painIn one particular study involving fibromyalgia patients, it was found that more than 80% of the patients were physically “unfit” based on Maximal Oxygen Uptake and the American Heart Association guidelines (5). Staying physically fit is a proactive way to battle your fibromyalgia. Reducing the amount of unnecessary weight in your body relieves the added pressure on your bones and joints during movement. Staying active can also promote endurance, healthy heart rate, flexibility, and balance. Aerobics and other types of cardio exercise are an essential part of managing your fibromyalgia. One of the reasons aerobics can be so beneficial, is the fact that fatigue (a common symptom of fibromyalgia) can promote inactivity in an individual’s life, which allows them to be more susceptible to muscle trauma and other types of muscle pain. Aerobic exercises for fibromyalgia sufferers should be low-impact exercises, such as walking, swimming or bicycling. Each of these options offers a way to be active without physically exhausting too much energy at once. Typically a 5-10 minute warm up and cool down period of light stretching is beneficial in preventing soreness or further injury. When beginning any new exercise it is important to understand your body’s limitations, so be careful and go slow until you have accustomed yourself to the exercise. Talk with your physician about creating a regular, scheduled exercise routine that is individualistic to your needs. Everyday stretching can also be helpful in fighting the pain of fibromyalgia, because the process allows for more blood flow in the area and can “work out” sore or tense areas in the body. Stretching exercises are easy to do and can be utilized at almost any point during the day. Simple toe touching or neck rolling exercises can be beneficial, however, if you experience unbearable pain when performing these exercises or afterwards, you should immediately stop stretching and re-evaluate the exercise.