Keeping your body healthy is a great way to support healing and strengthen your immune system. Those with fibromyalgia are susceptible to many different ailments such as fatigue and soreness. Eating the right kinds of foods can help bring your system to its optimal healing level and reduce the onset of fibromyalgia symptoms. A diet of organic fruits and vegetables will help build your body’s natural defense system. Removing polyunsaturated fats like those that are found in vegetable oil can help reduce inflammation. Consider exchanging your vegetable oil with extra-virgin olive oil, which contains omega-3 fatty acids and polyphenols; both which help to reduce inflammation in the body. Ginger is not only recognized across the medical realm as a spice that can ease gastrointestinal stress, but it also contains very potent anti-inflammatory compounds known as gingerols. Ginger can be placed in a variety of meals to add spice or flavor, so there are multiple ways to use this ingredient while cooking. It can also be made into a tea or used as an additive in any of your favorite teas. You can add ginger to lemonade and it also goes great with honey and cane juice. You can also add it to any rice dish for flavoring or combine ginger with olive oil and garlic to make a delicious salad dressing. Ginger has been known to successfully reduce inflammation in those who have arthritis, specifically arthritis of the knee. In one particular 12-month research period, 29 knee-arthritis patients participated in double-blind study where they were switched from a placebo to ginger after 3 months. By the end of the first 6 months, the patients who were given ginger experienced a significant drop in pain and a drop in swelling and inflammation in the knees (8). Fibromyalgia shares many of the same symptoms of arthritis, like joint pain and inflammation. Therefore, treatments for arthritis have been examined and utilized in patients with fibromyalgia.