Topical Analgesics

Using topical analgesics to relieve hand and knuckle pain.Many Americans have discovered pain relief through topical lotions, gels, or creams: “Unlike NSAIDs, which target both pain and inflammation, analgesics are designed purely for pain relief. For that reason, they may be safe for people who are unable to take NSAIDs due to allergies or stomach problems, for example” (Arthritis Foundation, 2010). Most of these topical solutions contain anti-inflammatory ingredients that help reduce swelling and pain. The most common pain relieving ingredient that is used in almost all topical pain relievers is Menthol. However, some products out there contain a wide variety of anti-inflammatory ingredients. Look for products that carry Capsicum, Arnica, Glucosamine, MSM, and Emu Oil. Emu Oil works well with other ingredients by penetrating deep within the surface of the skin, taking along with it other anti-inflammatory ingredients. Arnica has been around for centuries in the medicinal community and is known as an anti-inflammatory agent. Herbal ingredients such as Witch Hazel and Willow Bark have also been known to contain anti-inflammatory properties. There is a wide range of natural ingredients in the world that fight inflammation; the more of these ingredients a product has, the more likely it is to reduce inflammation and swelling. Keep this in mind when browsing for a topical analgesic: not all topical analgesic products are created equal.