12 Healthy Whole Grains for Your Diet

12 Healthy Whole Grains for Your Diet

1st Jun 2022

Millions of people are looking for ways to eat whole grains rather than refined grains. Whether you are looking to remove refined grains from your diet because you just want to eat healthier, or you have discovered that you are allergic to gluten, there are numerous alternative options to eating refined grains. The term whole grain refers to the fact that the grain kernel still has its bran, whereas refined grains have been processed so that they have a longer shelf life. However, during this refining process, much of the fiber and nutrients is removed from the grain. According to the U.S. Whole Grains Council, eating 100% whole grains provides numerous health benefits, which include reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes, stroke, heart disease and other heart complications, preventing obesity, and reducing the development of inflammatory diseases. Here we take a look at 12 of the healthiest, nutritional whole grains available on the market, as well as what makes them so beneficial to our bodies.

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