Carefully Choose your Proteins

Eat the right protein to lower arthritis painMany people consume high levels of proteins, but research is starting to reveal that these high levels may be causing inflammation in the body and rheumatoid arthritis. The body’s digestive tract naturally breaks down and absorbs food.  The lining of the intestines is very choosy about the nutrients it releases into the bloodstream and what it keeps around to digest longer or eliminate.  When things are functioning properly, it only allows tiny particles through, but when the lining becomes inflamed, larger particles begin to leak through into the body.  All of a sudden, the immune system goes into attack mode because it mistakes these nutrients as invaders.  It can even cause the immune system to attack normal body cells which is directly correlated to rheumatoid arthritis in the joints.  Some people have reactions to specific proteins in foods, when this happens their immune system produces antibodies that attack these proteins and lead to inflammation in the digestive tract.  Gluten, found in many grains like wheat, oats, rye, and barley, as well as milk proteins, is the main culprit.  If a person is unaware of their issue, their intestines tend be in a constant state of inflammation.  Doctors recommend focusing on lean meat proteins such as fish, poultry, and seafood. Viable plant-based protein sources are also great options.  Consider eating soy products like tofu, legumes, Walnuts, Almonds, Pecans, Brazil Nuts, and seeds.