Decrease Consumption of Omega 6 Fatty Acids
Diets high in Omega 6 fatty acids, which are found in animal products, margarines, and refined vegetable oils, like corn oil and safflower oil have been linked to Rheumatoid Arthritis. In fact, scientists have made a direct correlation between nearly every inflammatory disease and the high consumption of Omega 6 fatty acids in our diets. In the early 20th century, a push was made for the vegetable oil industry. Everyone began using some type of vegetable oil or margarine made from these oils. What no one knew is that vegetable oils have very high amounts of Omega 6’s and that these fatty acids cause internal inflammation. Human tissue acquires around 10% of our calories from highly unsaturated fats. It absorbs as much as it possibly can. Omega 6 fatty acids contain about 75%. Therefore, a diet high in Omega 6 promotes a very inflammatory environment for the body. Recent research revealed that the average person today consumes 10-25 times more Omega 6 fatty acids than our ancestors. Studies reveal that Omega 6 and Omega 3 compete for the same conversion enzymes, so if you cannot help but consume high amounts of Omega 6s you should try to take a fish oil supplement to try to counterbalance the bad fatty acids in your system. The more Omega 3’s in your system, the less Omega 6 your tissue can absorb.