Just like those with Osteoarthritis in the knees, when it is in the hips, it can be very painful and lead to debilitation. Stiffness and pain may be felt around the groin, inner thigh, and buttocks region and can even create pain in the knee area. Besides good ol’ fashioned rest and relaxation, there are other options to naturally treat Osteoarthritis in the hips. Supplements such as glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate are known to improve the symptoms of Osteoarthritis as well as Vitamins D, C, and E. Topical analgesics can reduce swelling and pain in the joints, some even contain glucosamine, chondroitin sulfate, or other anti-inflammatory ingredients. Applying cold and hot applications can help ease your symptoms. If you have a lot of swelling in the hip joints, apply ice to combat this. If your joints feel sore or achy, apply heat to the area. You can use heating pads or blankets, hot water bottles, a warm bath, and even warm towels to reduce stiffness in the area. As mentioned earlier, heat can provide more blood flow to the area, which provides more oxygen and other nutrients. Hip exercises are a great way to build strength in the hip muscles, which will then provide support for the joints. Beneficial exercises include walking, light jogging, stationary bicycling, yoga, tai chi, and water exercises. Water exercises are a great way for Osteoarthritis sufferers to strengthen muscles because, while the body is submerged in water, 50% of the pressure is relieved from the joints and the impact on the joints is reduced by 75%. These statistics make water exercise one of the best ways to strengthen muscles, prevent damage from Osteoarthritis, and also ease the pain that you may already experience. Speak with your doctor before beginning any exercise regimen, and if at any time you feel more amounts of pain during the exercise, immediately stop. Make sure you start slow with any exercise routine and work your way up to more intermediate levels.