Try Energy Boosters

energy-boosts-for-runningWhen you are running, your body requires 2 major sources of fuel for the muscles, fats, and carbohydrates. Fats are a regular fuel resource, as it is broken down into energy. However, this process takes time and is usually ineffective when running at higher speeds. That’s where carbohydrates come in. They are your primary source of energy during longer, more intense runs. The problem is that our bodies only store carbohydrates for energy for a short period of time. This is where energy gels and “boosters” come into action. They are a great way to acquire a boost of energy during your long run, and you won’t have to load up on huge amounts of carbs beforehand. These energy gels are not mandatory, and they should only be used when you are lacking energy or right before a long run. There are a variety of types of energy boosts out there, some include various amounts of other vitamins and nutrients that can help improve your energy and stamina during your runs. Check a few out to see which one works best for you, as they are not all created equal.