Fights Boredom

High-Intensity Interval Training prevents boredom with runningYou’ll be keeping your brain occupied as you continue to think about the intervals of intensity you schedule during your run. This keeps your mind busy and adds to the already obvious challenge that you’ll receive from High-Intensity Interval Training. You are also going to see results faster, which is going to ignite excitement as you continue to train. It’s good to have short, upcoming goals to reach, as they will continue to feed your desire to increase the intensity of your run. Even long-distance runners are jumping on the HIIT bandwagon, since the longer the run, the more opportunity boredom has to set in. See if you’re up for the challenge and say goodbye to the same old routine.

Photo credit to nenetus from


  • Brett Klika and Chris Jordan, "HIGH-INTENSITY CIRCUIT TRAINING USING BODY WEIGHT: Maximum Results with Minimal Investment," American College of Sports Medicine's Health & Fitness Journal: May/June 2013 - Volume 17 - Issue 3 - p 8-13