Marathon de Sables (Sahara Desert, Africa)

Sahara Desert MarathonIf you like your marathons hot…how about running over 150 miles in the Sahara Desert? Besides being the distance equivalent of six marathons, the race lasts six days with the last day covering over 50 miles. Marathon de Sables is arguably the toughest foot race on Earth. This marathon was created by Patrick Bauer who made a 214-mile trek across the Sahara Desert alone without any source of oasis or human contact along the way. Two years later the first, official Marathon de Sables was born and continues to attract some of the most daring long-distance and Ultra-Marathon Enthusiasts. Considering the fact that at some points during the marathon you can’t actually “run” due to the loose sand that drags the feet down to the earth, you may understand why many proclaim it as the toughest. Marathon de Sables attracts hundreds, if not thousands, of competitors every year, but don’t let its popularity make you believe it is entirely safe…since it began, 3 runners have died while attempting the race.