The Benefits of Vegan and Vegetarian Diets

Vegan and vegetarian diet benefits Having a healthy diet is important for everybody, not just athletes. While you can build a healthy diet that includes meat, there are several benefits to changing your diet to that of a vegetarian or a vegan.

One of the ways in which being a vegetarian or a vegan can benefit the individual is through a reduced risk of several diseases. Studies have shown that people with vegetarian diets are less prone to the effects of cardiovascular disease and some types of cancer. In addition to that, there is a lower rate of diabetes among those who enjoy a vegetarian diet than there is in the general public.

Beyond preventing and lowering the rates for the above-mentioned health issues, there is evidence that suggests that mortality rates are lower among vegetarians. Several studies have drawn this connection. One study, published by JAMA Internal Medicine in 2013, tracked the mortality of more than 70,000 people. Along with several other findings, the study showed that those with vegetarian or vegan diets had a mortality rate that was 12% lower than those who ate meat.

The decreased rates of mortality and the improved cardiovascular health that come with a vegetarian diet can make it a very attractive option. However, there is more to being a healthy vegetarian than cutting meat out of your diet. For athletes and non-athletes, the diet is only beneficial if it manages to meet the daily nutritional needs of the individual.