Hardrock 100 (Colorado)

hardrock-100-marathonThis annual ultra-marathon starts in the San Juan Mountain Range in Silverton, Colorado and ends in the same place. This trek takes runners through 100 miles of high altitudes, harsh terrain, and temperatures that can drop below freezing. There are numerous spots on the course where runners are required to climb 12,000-13,000ft elevation, with the highest point reaching 14,000ft. There are 13 aid stations for this race. Each year, runners run the opposite direction that the previous year’s runners took, and instead of a finish line, participants are required to “kiss the Hardrock,” a large stone block left over from the mining days with a picture of a ram’s head painted on it. Runners face icy slopes, rocky terrain, and the dark (many runners travel mostly at night). Runners are also susceptible to lightning and other stormy dangers while running on the high points of the course. The race has been held since 1992 and is dedicated to the memory of the miners who settled the area and blazed the trails that the runners trek through.