Running Becomes More of a Meditative Experience

running-meditationWithout the distraction music causes, many claim that they can enter into a meditative state during their run. When your mind is in this state, you are able to let your mind relax and release stress. Perhaps you need your run to be your opportunity to think about your day, to-do list, daily triumphs, daily life, etc., if this is the case then music-free running may give you a better opportunity to achieve this. Whatever it is that you want to think about, or not think about, running time can become your distraction-free moment to think for yourself. Running also causes endorphins to release in your brain, which make you happy. So this combined with distraction-free time might help you analyze any type of situation in a calm manner. At times, all anyone needs to clear their head is a little “me time” to think things through.