Keeping the Hands Healthy

how-to-keep-hands-healthyThe human hand is really complex and it can be used to perform a vast array of very specialized tasks. While the hand may be an amazing structure and extremely versatile, it can also be delicate and prone to injury. We use our hands a lot and the years of use can make for an accumulation of wear that eventually results in injury. Since the use of our hands is close to invaluable, it is important for every person to take the time to think about what they would do if their hands were disabled and take some steps to prevent this from ever happening.

Protecting your hands from sudden injury is one of the first steps.

  • If your job is particularly rough on the hands, then you should wear protective gloves.
  • If you work with tools or machinery, never try to push yourself to work beyond a safe pace and only work with equipment that you know how to handle safely.
  • Always keep your eyes on your hands when you are working with tools and machinery.
  • Do not reach your hands into a piece of machinery unless you know the power is off and that it is not hot.

Apart from sudden injuries, most hand problems are the result of repetitive stress. The term repetitive stress injury is not used to describe a particular condition, but rather it is an umbrella term that describes injuries that are the result of performing the same function for long periods of time over many years. Repetitive stress injuries can occur to almost any part of the body, but the hands are particularly prone because of how much we use them.

  • To prevent repetitive stress injuries, one of the big keys is to make sure that you take rest when the hands get tired.
  • Continuing an activity once the hands are tired will cause damage to muscles and tendons and lead to injuries.
  • Additionally, you need to take steps to ensure that you are performing these tasks in the most hand-friendly way.
  • Often, the natural way that we perform a task with our hands will put undue stress on certain regions of the hand.
  • A simple adjustment to the way in which a task is performed can reduce the chance of injury.

Hand exercises can be good for both prevention and treatment. Exercises can be used to build the mobility and strength of the hand. When the hand is stronger and more mobile, it will have a better capacity for withstanding long periods of use without suffering injury.
If you are suffering from RSI, then a doctor may prescribe a round of anti-inflammatory medicine or recommend occupational therapy. In addition to that, the doctor may recommend that a patient forgo certain activities for a prescribed period of time in order to see if the pain subsides. The doctor may also prescribe different braces or splints that can be used to correct and prevent different types of repetitive stress injuries.

For more details about How to Prevent Hand Pain, (Click Here)

