Healthcare Wholesale Buyers | Real Time Pain Relief

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NEW RTPR Website!

The champ has you covered both day and night. Choose between George Foreman’s KNOCKOUT Formula™ and George Foreman’s NIGHT-TIME Relief Cream™ to deliver a knockout to your pain...Click Here

<span class='notranslate'><span class='notranslate'>Real Time Pain Relief</span></span> formulas deliver on-site pain relief. Choose from our fast-acting lotions and creams to find formulas that are effective on some or a few of the following: muscle strains, soreness, bruising, sprains, simple backache, and swelling due to overexertion or injury. For PAIN RELIEF YOU CAN TRUST, choose <span class='notranslate'><span class='notranslate'>Real Time Pain Relief</span></span>. Real Time Wins 3 Awards - to Your Health! The Clean Label Project™ has awarded <span class='notranslate'><span class='notranslate'>Real Time Pain Relief</span></span>’s Hemp Oil formulas 3 awards that will score big for your happiness and health!...Click Here

Current Special Offers...Click Here

Support your happy, healthy lifestyle with NUJUVENA from the makers of <span class='notranslate'><span class='notranslate'>Real Time Pain Relief</span></span>. Each daily care product is rich in nature's ingredients, free of unwanted fillers like parabens, SLS, and dye, and designed to make taking care of yourself easier... Explore below to discover how Nujuvena can help you live your best life!...Click Here

New Complete Spray Packages...Click Here

Check out our Online Catalog...Click Here

Real Time Wins 3 Awards - to Your Health! The Clean Label Project™ has awarded <span class='notranslate'><span class='notranslate'>Real Time Pain Relief</span></span>’s Hemp Oil formulas 3 awards that will score big for your happiness and health!...Click Here

Convenience Packages...Click Here



What they say about Real Time Pain Relief

"The product is wonderful. I have a bad knee and I put that stuff on... and it makes it better. I don't have to use it every day."
No votes yet

April - Rockford, Illinois

I learned about RTPR products while attending an event where a nice gentleman gave me a sample of the Max.
Average: 5 (1 vote)

MJ I. - Altoona, Pennsylvania

I have arthritis in my hips, shoulder, and back and I am in constant pain all the time. I purchased Real Time Pain Relief in Pigeon Forge TN. and it brought...relief...Going to keep it on hand and never run out.
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Sharon W. - Utica , Kentucky

I tried a sample pack at the bowling alley one night. I felt results in [minutes]!! I bowled a 185 (my average is 156)! I immediately purchased the roll-on! I've been using it every since.
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Wanda F - Hyattsville, Maryland

I was walking through the flea market and saw this sign, “Real Time Pain Relief.” My hands always hurt. I work in a body shop. Sometimes I can’t even hold my coffee cup. They gave me a little to rub on my knuckles and I did it.
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Jose R. - Kansas City, Missouri

I received a sample and this cream is terrific. My husband hurt his elbow about 8 months ago and still when he moves his arm certain ways he still gets pain. Advil works for a while but this cream seems to last long. Thank you for the sample.
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Georgianna T - Hauppauge, New York

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