Aloe Vera

Aloe vera-relieves-hand-painAloe Vera is well known for its anti-inflammatory properties in healing skin that has suffered burns. However, it is also very effective at reducing inflammation in joints when applied topically. For example, Aloe Vera contains many vitamins which act as antioxidants to remove free radicals. It also contains various enzymes, salicylic acid, and fatty acids which all have anti-inflammatory properties.[2] It also contains a substance called lignin, which help helps these anti-inflammatory properties penetrate the skin more effectively. Another ingredient of Aloe Vera that helps to relieve pain is glucosamine. This is needed to keep the joints working well without irritation. Aloe Vera is easy to use because you can find a topical pain relief lotion that contains it. Or, if you have an Aloe plant sitting around, you can apply the gel contained in the leaf directly to the affected area.