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What they say about Real Time Pain Relief
As a bull rider who generally tends to get launched and stomped on or injure myself one way or another, Real Time Pain Relief has been a huge part of my...after-care...Two applications of RTPR and I feel like a new person!
Average: 5(1 vote)
Samantha S - Syracuse, New York
I hurt my left hand and wrist during sleeping (apparently slept on it);I started applying RTPR during the day and before I went to bed and the next day the pain was [relieved]; incredible product.
Average: 5(1 vote)
C Bonilla - Isabela, Puerto Rico
"The product is wonderful. I have a bad knee and I put that stuff on... and it makes it better. I don't have to use it every day."
No votes yet
April - Rockford, Illinois
Soy un esceptico natural debido a mi educacion y entrenamiento (en anestesia), asi que no le preste mucha antencion a un producto homeopatico cuando me lo reconmendaron para unos dolores muy severos.
Average: 5(1 vote)
Orlando S - Guaynabo, Puerto Rico
This product is amazing! Best pain relief product out there! Don't waste your money on anything else. It worked so well for me, I shared it with my sweet 84 year old mom-in-law. She LOVES it!!!
Average: 5(1 vote)
Cheryl Salmon - Tulsa, Oklahoma
...there is nothing I can do but lay in pain. My husband came home with a sample and applied it to my wrists,ankles and shoulder blade. I was able to fall asleep and actually sleep through the attack.
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