Spinal Stenosis

Spinal Stenosis creates serious pain for farmersSpinal Stenosis is definitely worth mentioning, as it relates to a lot of physical labor injuries that can occur to the spinal column/backbone. With increased inflammation, the spinal canal can become narrower, creating pressure on the spinal cord and the surrounding nerves. If you are riding in a tractor daily for long periods at a time, vibrations can cause repeated stress on the spinal column. Again, this is where proper posture and movement can come in handy. Also, a sturdy cushion can come in quite useful for riding and operating heavy machinery; this will promote good posture and help absorb some of the vibrations that affect your spinal column. The most prominent sign of spinal stenosis is slight numbness, to even loss of feeling in the arms, back, shoulders, neck and the legs. Spinal stenosis has the ability to keep you down and out of action in several ways:

  • If certain nerves are pinched, you will lose the ability to control the leg muscles and sensation in the legs
  • It may be painful and very difficult to walk
  • You may experience numbness, tingling, hot or cold sensations throughout the legs
  • Due to all this, a person may find themselves clumsy and falling often.
  • As with most of the other injuries, to recover doctors recommend plenty of rest and a change in posture. If you are suffering from spinal stenosis, you may find leaning forward while walking will flex the spine and provide some relief. Another way to give yourself some relief is by lying on the ground and pulling your knees to your chest. Both of these positions create some space between the vertebrae and give the nerves some much needed space.