Let Them Go Barefoot

Let them go barefoot for healthy feetFollowing on from the last point, you don't want to rush into buying your kid's first pair of shoes too fast. Letting them go barefoot while their feet are still growing is a good way to encourage the feet to develop naturally and for the muscles in the feet to strengthen. Babies' feet are designed to function barefoot thanks to their naturally broad and flat shape.

The main purpose of shoes is for protection against the ground they are walking on, so they are, for the most part, unnecessary before a child learns how to walk. Even when they take their first steps, it's good to still let them go barefoot when they are walking indoors, ensuring that there are no hazards on the floor that could harm them and that the floor is reasonably clean. Obviously, there are more dangers to your child's feet when they begin walking outside, so proper footwear becomes important at this stage.