Finishing Hard

finish-line-marathon-runningStart the majority, or at least the first half of the marathon, at your normal pace. When you are getting close to the last 20-25% of the course, that is when you can pick up some speed. If you’re feeling good about the first half of your race and you think you can push yourself: do it. It not only feels good to pass other runners during the last part of a marathon, which is a great motivational boost, but it also vastly improves your time. If you have done at least some of the things listed previously in this article, you should have no problem finishing with a bang. If you have kept yourself hydrated, maintained energy, and stayed at your normal pace for at least 50% of the race, then you should have no problem pushing yourself a little harder for the last portion of the marathon. Remember to make sure that you don’t start your “hard finish” too early in the course. Know your track and the distance from start to finish. Finishing the marathon strong will make the end of your race that much more pleasurable; you will know that you not only did your best but pushed yourself even further.