Warm-Up Exercises

warm-up-exercises-marathonSome light jogging for a short distance, or even just performing a rep of jumping jacks can get your body slightly more prepared for the race. In all honesty, the race starts when you arrive. It is in these moments that you should start focusing mentally and physically for what is to come during the marathon. Make sure that you do not warm-up so much so that you deplete glycogen storage in the body. It is also important that you do not warm up your core body temperature too much before you start your marathon. So, by all means, warm-up a little, but not enough to jeopardize your success in the marathon. You can start with easy walking or even a light jog to warm up your muscles and increase blood flow. If you feel like some of your muscles are sore or tight, give those areas a gentle massage. You may also consider finding some beneficial stretches that work for you. Proper stretching is crucial to warming-up for a marathon. Lunges, butt kicks, and toe touches are all traditional ways to stretch out those muscles before you begin.