Fresh-Squeezed Lemon Juice in Water

lemon-water-benefitsFresh lemon with water has a world of benefits. Lemon is great for the digestive system, it helps regulate stomach acid production and bile. It also provides a boost to the immune system, with around 30-50 mg of Vitamin C per lemon. They are also high in potassium, an essential electrolyte that needs to be replaced during hydration. Lemons have more potassium than apples or grapes. Other essential minerals found in lemons include iron, magnesium, and calcium. Lemons can help flush out toxins in your body by improving enzyme function which helps to stimulate the liver to process and flush harmful or unnecessary toxins. Lemon juice is great for the skin, decreasing blemishes that appear from old age, as well as wrinkles.

You can buy your lemon water from the store, but freshly squeezing a lemon into your water is the best way to get all of the benefits. Also, it is important to note that bottled lemon juice that you buy from the store contains preservatives. The amount of water and the amount of lemon you use is entirely up to your taste, and you can squeeze by hand or use a juice squeezer. Juice squeezer are reasonably priced and can make the task of juicing fresh lemons much faster and easier on your hands.