Shin Splints

Shin Splints will make running painfulShin splints are characterized by a dull, aching pain in the shin bone and calf muscle area. This ailment is most common in new runners. It can be a result of numerous issues including: poor foot support, improper form, and imbalanced muscle strength in the primary and secondary muscles in the lower leg. If a runner's muscle strength is subpar, specific training that is designed to increase speed or distance will result in shin splints. It is vital to gradually, as the body permits, build up to an increase in distance and speed. Another common culprit leading to shin splints is tight muscles. When the muscles are rigid they do not allow for proper extension causing the shin bone to be pulled away from the muscle structure surrounding the bone. As this separation occurs, the muscles begin to experience microscopic tears and, if unaddressed, will lead to bone damage.

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