8 Lesser Known Rodeo Events in America

8-lesser-known-rodeo-weird-eventsRodeo is such a big part of America’s past that pretty much anyone can tell you a little bit about what goes down at the arena. Bull and Bronco Riding, Steer Wrestling, Team Roping, Barrel Racing are some of the events that even those who have never stepped foot in an arena could probably tell you about. However, there are a few less common sporting events that take place; even seasoned rodeo attendees may have never seen or heard of some of these that have made our list. Whether or not they are recognized as an official sport or just a local competition, we looked at some of the most interesting, entertaining, and possibly unusual events that take place in rodeo events all over America. Some you may have heard of, but know little about, and some are so downright crazy, you’ll have a better understanding of what counts as a good time for some rodeo fans. Enjoy!