
rest-can-relieve-knee-painOne of the easiest and best methods to reduce knee pain is to use the knee as little as possible for a few days or longer. Which means putting as little pressure as possible on it while also refraining from using the mechanics of the knee (i.e. moving the leg back and forth). Depending on the nature of your knee pain and symptoms, you may either want to rest the knee in the extended or the bent position. This is up to you and should be determined by the amount of pain you feel in each position. If you feel less pain while the knee is extended, then rest with the knee extended and vice-versa. If your knee pain is from an injury, giving it adequate time to rest will speed up the healing process. Unfortunately, for some people, it is difficult to be away from their work, athletic training, or everyday tasks that involve using the knee for several hours of the day. For these individuals, it is advisable to weigh the benefits of a few days of rest in order to get back to normal versus not resting the knee and worsening the symptoms of pain that you feel in it. It may be difficult for you to take a few days off from your occupational or personal obligations, but in the long run, it is one of the best investments you can make in treating your knee pain.

Image courtesy of Piotr Lewandowski at