Inflammation is one of the most common causes for the pain we feel in our knees, whether it be from injury or other conditions. Inflammation is the body’s natural response to damage that has occurred in the muscles and/or other tissues in the knee. It sends more than the normal amount of blood to the damaged area, resulting in pain and swelling. The excess amount of blood is kind of a good thing as it brings oxygen and nutrients the damaged area, which is part of the healing process. However, inflammation can be a long ordeal (also unwarranted in large amounts), and long-term inflammation can create unbearable pain, as well as debilitation. Although inflammation is a natural process, it can be sped up if you apply ice or other cold applications to the area. You can use store-bought ice packs, a Ziploc bag filled with ice, or even soak the knee in cool/cold water. Within minutes, the cold application should reduce the amount of swelling and also numb the pain caused by inflammation. Cold applications are inexpensive, easy to use, and require little effort. In the end, it is such a small thing to do but can make a big impact when it comes to reducing the pain and swelling in your knee.
Image courtesy of Havard Kristoffersen at