Foods to Avoid

  • Avoid Omega 6 to ease arthritis painThe type of foods that we already deem “unhealthy” are also the same foods causing inflammation. Foods that contain partially hydrogenated oils, sunflower oil, corn oil, and foods that “have a long shelf life” are all foods that are either high in trans fats or omega-6 fats. In the scientific community, it has been well-agreed upon that omega-6 fatty acids have a direct relation to increasing inflammation, while omega-3 fatty acids help in reducing it.
  • Vegetable oil is the number one culprit in delivering omega-6 fatty acids, as it contains linoleic acid (not to be confused with alpha-linoleic acid found in omega-3s).
  • A diet high in omega-6 fatty acids lead to an increase in cytokines, which are proteins released in cells that cause inflammation. Although there has been discussion that omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids help balance the body with pro and anti inflammation, a typical diet for most Americans contains an overabundance of omega-6 fatty acids since Omega 6 oils are commonly used when preparing dishes and eating.
  • Avoid Red Meat: The option to switch to fish from red meats is also a great way to fight inflammation since red meat is higher in salt and cholesterol which can cause inflammation. Red meat is a high factor in causing inflammation due to its content of saturated fats. Eating the meat of animals that have been fed on genetically modified corn and grains, or given antibiotics or hormones, has not only a greater chance of creating heart disease and other serious illnesses, but also leads to inflammation.
  • Most foods that contain flour and/or sugar or other sweetener are also pro-inflammatory. Foods such as bagels, bread, rolls, cookies, cornstarch, corn bread, muffins, waffles, tortillas, pies and pizza are all types of flour/sugar foods that should be avoided to reduce inflammation.
  • Most breads can be high in carbohydrates and have high glycemic levels, which can alter the insulin in your body. Any types of foods that rapidly raise and drop the insulin levels appear to cause more inflammation.
  • Processed foods also contain high levels of polyunsaturated and partly hydrogenated fats, which are two types of fats that are directly linked in causing inflammation. This list includes fast food, French fries (really any fried foods) and snack foods like potato chips, pretzels, corn chips, rice/corn cakes and other high fat/salt processed foods.
  • Refined grains and other foods that contain these grains (cereal, breads, pasta, etc) are also known to cause inflammation in the body. This is most likely due to a substance called gluten.
  • Gluten has been strongly researched as something that can directly lead to inflammation and other ailments such as digestive diseases and even common headaches. Gluten is usually found in breads and foods like wheat, rye, barley, semolina, kamut and couscous.
  • Some grains also contain high levels of Lectin, a sugar protein that is known to cause inflammation in the digestive system. Lectin has been linked to many diseases and ailments such as arthritis, multiple sclerosis, psoriasis, and allergies and autoimmune problems.
  • The controversy with grains in general, can be a long and complicated issue. Some researchers believe that grains contain phytic acid which is known to reduce the calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc in our bodies.
  • Grains also seem to allow the pH in our bodies to become more acidic than normal.
  • Finally, grains seem to contain high levels of omega-6 fatty acids which as we have previously discussed, directly lead to higher levels of inflammation.