Are Your Toenails Unsightly?
Another pesky foot fungus is toenail fungus, also known as “onychomycosis.” Toenail fungus is a common ailment, and it can really do a number on the appearance of your nails—the toenail itself will become discolored. You may experience inflammation, pain, or swelling in your toe, as well as the visible changes to the nail. Also, nails become yellow and very thick, yet so brittle that they crumble easily.
Toenail fungus is very common, and it can take a very long time to completely get rid of it because your toenails grow so slowly. The best plan is to try to prevent toenail fungus from the start—keeping your feet clean is the first step. You should also avoid going barefoot in areas where fungus is common, such as damp locker rooms, gym showers, or even the beach or public pools. If you have a chronic illness, you may find that you are more susceptible to toenail fungus.
Toenail fungus can be tricky to treat because it is so long-term. You will need to continue treatment until the affected nail grows out completely and is replaced by a healthy nail.
- Apple cider vinegar is a great natural anti-fungal. Just as with athlete’s foot, soak your feet in a solution of hot water, salt, and apple cider vinegar. Be sure to dry your feet thoroughly.
- Tea tree oil can also be used to treat toenail fungus. Clean your toenails and the surrounding areas with rubbing alcohol, and then apply tea tree oil to the nails. Let it sit for 10 minutes, and then gently scrub the nail with a soft brush, such as a clean toothbrush. Continue daily treatments until the affected nail has grown out and been replaced by healthy nail. Don’t forget to continue the treatment for a few more weeks to prevent the toenail fungus from reappearing.
- Lavender oil also has anti-fungal properties. Try rubbing it on the affected toenails before bed. Be sure to continue the treatment for a few weeks after the fungal infection has appeared to clear up.