1. Hip Crossovers

hip-crossover-stretchThe purpose of the hip crossovers exercise is to work the lower back area and the hips. It helps you stretch the muscles and tendons. This will give you greater flexibility when you swing.

For this, you will need enough space to lie on the ground with your arms outstretched.

How to do the exercise:

  1. Lie on your back with your arms outstretched at your side and knees bent and heels on the ground.
  2. Let both of your legs slowly fall to the left until they touch the ground. Make sure that your shoulders are always touching the ground.
  3. Then twist your legs to the right.
  4. Do this 6 times in each direction.

Benefits for golf

This exercise replicates the pressure on the hips during the backswing and follow-through. It helps you improve your swing and results in being able to hit the ball more accurately.