Improve Your Golf Game at Home with These Easy Exercises

golf-stretching-home-exercise-improve-game-swingAny golfer who loves playing golf will be constantly looking for ways to improve their game and get that perfect swing. Many are prepared to spend a fortune on buying the top of the line golf clubs, hoping that these will help lower their handicap. If you are a golfer who is interested in improving your game, did you know that you can improve your swing by doing easy exercises at home?

Yes, believe it or not, you can improve your game and get your handicap down just by increasing your overall strength and flexibility. Strengthening your muscles will help you:

  • Swing the golf club more accurately
  • Drive the ball harder and longer
  • Improve your posture
  • Reduce the risk of strains and injuries

In order to improve your game of golf, it is important to do specific exercises to strengthen the right muscles. For golfers, the most important area to train and strengthen is the core. This will give you greater flexibility and allow you to use your arms and waist better. You should also exercise to improve the flexibility of your thoracic spine, hips, and feet.

Here we have put together 14 essential exercises that you can do at home to improve your game of golf. Once you master these you will notice your game improving and you will also lower your risk of suffering an injury.

Before doing any type of exercise, you should remember a few important and necessary facts:

  • An exercise shouldn't be painful. If you experience pain while exercising you should stop the exercise altogether.
  • Avoid sudden movements when exercising as they can cause muscle and tissue damage.
  • Remember to breathe regularly while exercising.

Here are 14 great exercises to help you improve your game of golf.