12. T-Hip Rotations

t-hip-rotationsThe T-hip rotation exercise is a good exercise to strengthen your hip muscles and also stretch your hips. This helps you to maintain proper posture while swinging and will help you drive the golf ball longer distances.

To complete this exercise, you will need something to support yourself like a stable chair and enough room to stretch out one leg.

How to do the exercise:

  1. Standing on your right leg, hold the chair with your right hand.
  2. Drop your chest down and raise your left leg to form a T shape. Your left leg should be in a horizontal straight line with your shoulders.
  3. While keeping this position, twist your left hip outwards and upwards. Hold for 2 seconds.
  4. Turn your left hip back down so that your shoulders are parallel with the floor.
  5. Repeat 6 times for each leg.

Remember to move your hips and shoulders together. If you don't have a chair, you can also support yourself by placing your hand on a wall.

Benefits for golf

This exercise is great to improve your rotation when swinging the golf club. It will help you increase your stability and allow you to hit the golf ball harder and more accurately.