5. Multiple Stretch

This is a great stretch to improve your golf gameThe purpose of the Multiple Stretch exercise is to stretch all the muscles in your core. It also works on the hamstrings and lower back to help keep them flexible as well.

For this, you will need enough room to crouch down with an outstretched leg

How to do the exercise:

  1. With your arms at your side, stand straight. Lunge forward with your right foot. Your right leg should be at right angles and your left leg should be outstretched behind you.
  2. Put your left hand on the ground
  3. Place the elbow of your right arm inside your right leg (behind the knee). Hold for 2 seconds.
  4. Rotate your chest and raise your right arm up and behind you as far as you can. Hold for 2 seconds.
  5. Bring your right arm back down and put it through the space between your left arm and your body for as far as it can go. 
  6. Repeat 3 times in each direction.

Benefits for golf

This helps to strengthen your core muscles and increases your flexibility and range of motion when turning.