Strengthen Certain Regions of the Body
To improve or prevent back pain, it is very important to employ and work the muscles that help support the lumbar region in the lower back. For instance, the back extensor muscles are crucial to keep your posture in alignment and your spine straight. It is also beneficial to work the muscles of the abdominals, hips, and pelvic regions. A word of warning on abdominals: avoid crunches since they place pressure on the lower back and can aggravate any preexisting back problems. As with any exercise regimen, you should consult your doctor on the best way to approach a routine and you should always start slowly. A thorough warm up is a must before proceeding to a light intensity workout routine. Over the weeks, you will notice an improvement in your back strength, as well as your muscle and spine flexibility.
A great exercise for improving even the toughest pain felt in the lower back is the pelvic tilt. The importance of pelvis strength is often overlooked, but it is vitally important for the functionality of the entire core. The pelvic tilt is completed by simply lying on the floor with your knees bent and feet placed about hip-width apart, flat on the ground. While keeping the lower back flat on the floor, simply raise your buttocks one to two inches off the floor. Hold this position for five seconds and then return to the ground. Repeat this movement ten times. It is also possible to do this movement with your feet placed on a chair to make the movement easier. Bend your knees to a 90 degree angle keeping your upper legs perpendicular to the floor. This method may be better for beginners or for those who are experiencing a lot of pain in their back.